Darl Lewis

Game Theory. Data Science. Biology. Engineering.



Current Projects

Local Externalities and Federal Policy-Making

Local policies often have effects beyond the bounds of the implementing jurisdictions. These externalities can impose heavy costs on surrounding districts. As a result, there are often incentives for serveral districts to impose a uniform national policy that preempts local discretion and mitigate these externalities. This is especially true in economic and environmental matters.

Policy-Making with Outside Options

In Political Science, most models assume that policies apply uniformly across the population. However, there are many types of policies that do not affect everyone equally. Some policies are targeted towards particular populations on the basis of fixed characteristics and still more that affect only those individuals that choose to engage in certain behaviors. Examples of such polies are those that relate to driving, political activity, and business activity.

Committee Agenda Setting

While there is a wide literature on committee decision-making processes, the manner in which committees determine their agendas is less-studied. When there is an elective agenda, committee members may differ on which matters to take up, leading to conflict prior to the final decision-making stage.

Finance and Educational Outcomes

The structure of educational markets varies from the structur of many traditional markets due to the unique demands of several actors. Rather than a simple transaction between students and schools, the market for education is a multi-sided one in which students, schools, employers, and governments interact together.

Media Markets and Policital Waves

Since the 1990s, political campaigns in the United States have become increasingly nationalized. As a result, national issues and national sentiments are becoming increasingly important in local races. This introduces new challenges to our understanding of local campaigns and the effects of media coverage.


"To Elect or to Appoint? Bias, Information, and Responsiveness of Bureaucrats and Politicians." with Matias Iaryczower and Matthew Shum. Journal of Public Economics 97 (2013): 230-244.



I maintain a growing collection of rocks and minerals. While primarily focusing on my own ideosyncratic prefernces, it includes a many fluorescent minerals, Uranium-based minerals, and several meteor fragments.


I occasionally put my painting skills to the test with various projects, primarily using acrylics, but varying in substrate.

Hiking and Mountaineering

When the opportunity arises, I enjoy spending time in the backcountry, whether climbing mountains in the summer or seeking out frozen waterfalls in the winter.

History and Genealogy

I am particularly interested in modern history, as well as my own genealogy. I am especially focused on learning about my family's history in the Ozarks and surrounding regions over the past several hundred years.


There is nothing like an afternoon at the ballpark. Often on road trips, you will find me making spur-of-the-moment stops at the local stadium to catch a home game. Minor league games are particularly good. Playing softball is fun too!


6623 Washington Ave. #2BS
University City, MO 63130


+1 (626) 372.3753